Which Option is More Secure to Utilize?

Compare Enpass and 1Password to determine the best password manager for your needs. Both are popular options for individuals, families, and businesses, but they have notable differences.

In terms of pricing, Enpass is slightly cheaper than 1Password. Enpass offers Personal & Family and Business subscription tiers with various pricing plans. The Individual Plan costs $1.19 per month (billed annually after the first year), while the Family Plan is priced at $2.39 per month for up to 6 members (billed annually after the first year). Enpass also has a One-Time Plan priced at $99.99 for a personal lifetime license for unlimited devices. On the other hand, 1Password offers plans for individuals, families, and businesses. The Individual plan costs $2.99 per month (billed annually), the Family plan is $4.99 per month (billed annually), and the Business plan is $7.99 per user per month (billed annually).

When comparing features, both Enpass and 1Password offer security features such as 256-bit AES encryption, zero-knowledge architecture, password sharing, password generator, and autofill. However, 1Password has a smoother and more straightforward functionality compared to Enpass, especially when it comes to enterprise features. 1Password supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) through various authenticator apps, while Enpass does not have built-in MFA but suggests supplementing the master password with a Keyfile for additional security. Additionally, 1Password is SOC 2 Type 2 certified, which provides an extra layer of trust. Enpass conducts regular health checks and provides security scoring, similar to 1Password’s Watchtower feature.

In terms of storage, 1Password is cloud-based and offers 1 GB of storage for home and family users and 5 GB for business users. In contrast, Enpass stores password data locally on the user’s device, without cloud storage.

Considering the pros and cons, Enpass has a free plan that is suitable for single users and is cheaper overall. It also offers good platform and browser extension compatibility. However, it lacks emergency access, multi-factor authentication, and cloud storage. In comparison, 1Password offers MFA, emergency access, a data breach scanner, and a wider range of business and enterprise features. However, 1Password does not have a free plan and carries the risk of cloud outages or vendor breaches.

In conclusion, Enpass may be a good choice for cost-conscious individuals, while 1Password is recommended for those who prioritize MFA, emergency access, cloud storage, and additional business features.

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