Methodology for Evaluating CRM Software

At TechRepublic, we are committed to providing fair and honest reviews of CRM software. To ensure transparency, we disclose how we evaluate CRM software, the criteria and subcriteria we consider important, and how these factors influence our ratings and ideal use cases.

Our algorithm and rubric may change to reflect evolving industry standards, product changes, and customer needs. Currently, we rate CRM software based on six main criteria: price, core features, customizations, integrations, ease of use, and customer support.

Our review methodology breaks down as follows:

– Pricing (25%)
– Core features (25%)
– Customizations (15%)
– Integrations (15%)
– Ease of use (10%)
– Customer support (10%)

To evaluate each CRM provider, we prioritize in-house testing and consider demos, product reviews, sales rep information, and customer reviews from sites like Gartner Peer Insights, Trustpilot, Google Play, The App Store, and community forums.

When choosing a CRM for your organization, consider your budget, how you plan to use the CRM, and in-market expertise tailored to your industry. Be sure to explore our individual CRM software reviews and top product guides for more information.

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