
GLOBUS.studio blog

UK Cyber Explorers Cup Launched by Government

Schools throughout the UK are encouraging young students to test their knowledge of cyber security and protect Cyber City from the villainous Herbert the Hacker. These students have the chance to be crowned the champions of the Cyber Explorers programme

IBM maps out future plans for quantum supercomputing beyond Condor

IBM has upgraded its supercomputing capabilities with the introduction of Quantum System Two, the company’s first modular quantum computer. It serves as the foundation for IBM’s quantum-centric supercomputing architecture. The initial system in Yorktown Heights, New York, is powered by

Interview with CTO of Intel, Greg Lavender

Greg Lavender holds several key roles at Intel, including executive vice-president, chief technology officer (CTO), and general manager of the Software and Advanced Technology Group (SATG). As CTO, he oversees Intel’s future technical innovation and research programs, while as general

Ensuring the Security of Remote Workers: A Four-step Approach

In the post-Covid era, organizations have had to adapt their ways of working. The rapid transition to remote working was reactive rather than secure by design, making it necessary to continuously develop and support this evolving environment. Flexible and hybrid