
GLOBUS.studio blog

Surge in Volumes of Hunter-Killer Malware Observed

The Picus Security annual report reveals a significant increase in specialised hunter-killer malware that can identify and disable key cyber security tools. This surge in volume demonstrates a shift in threat actors’ ability to neutralize enterprise defenses. The malware is

Forecasting Phishing: Insights from Security Think Tank for 2024

In 2023, there were significant advancements and attacks in the field of cyber security that garnered global attention. Looking ahead to 2024, we can expect to see an increase in sophisticated phishing campaigns that utilize artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, leading

The UK Government’s Response to the AI Whitepaper Consultation

The UK government is considering implementing “targeted binding requirements” for certain companies developing advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems, according to its response to the AI whitepaper consultation. It also plans to invest over £100m in AI safety-related projects and research