Yandex.Direct is the advertising service of Yandex, the largest search engine in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. It provides businesses with the opportunity to display ads across Yandex's search results and its partner websites. Search Ads in Yandex.Direct work similarly to those in other major search engines, wherein advertisers bid on keywords relevant to their products or services. When users search for these keywords, the advertiser's ad may appear alongside the search results. Display Ads on Yandex.Direct can be shown on a vast network of Russian and global websites that partner with Yandex. These ads can be static or dynamic banners, designed to capture the viewer's attention and direct them to the advertiser's website. Yandex.Direct Video Ads can be broadcast on Yandex's own platforms, including Yandex.Video and Yandex.Music, and on partner websites. These ads offer an engaging way for businesses to share their messages and engage with their target audience. Mobile Ads on Yandex.Direct can promote mobile applications across Yandex's network. These ads aim to encourage users to download or interact with the advertiser's app. One of the notable features of Yandex.Direct is the ability to target ads based on user behavior and demographic information. This allows for highly targeted advertising that can increase the effectiveness of the campaign. Like other major advertising platforms, Yandex.Direct operates on a bidding system, wherein the advertisers bid for their ads to be shown. The system considers the bid amount, ad relevance, and various other factors to determine which ads to display. Remarketing is another key feature of Yandex.Direct. This functionality enables advertisers to target their ads to users who have previously interacted with their website or app, which can significantly increase the chance of conversion. Additionally, Yandex.Direct offers conversion tracking, which lets advertisers track user actions after clicking on an ad, like completing a purchase or filling out a form. This information is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of the campaign and the return on investment. In summary, Yandex.Direct is a versatile and powerful platform that can offer extensive and precise advertising opportunities for businesses aiming to reach Russian-speaking audiences.