Neftron theme


Neftron theme

GS-tron (Neftron) is a cutting-edge NFT and Crypto Marketplace template, perfect for creating a digital marketplace using Reactjs. This template is mobile-friendly, SEO optimized, and highly customizable to suit any NFT or digital art platform. With GS-tron, you get 11 unique homepages and over 34 inner pages designed for usability and aesthetics. The template is built on Bootstrap 5 and eschews jQuery for modern tech solutions. Changing the look and feel is easy with CSS variables for colors and fonts. GS-tron is designed to be responsive, ensuring your marketplace looks great on any device. It includes beautiful blog layouts for news and updates, essential for community engagement. It boasts a vast collection of 7840+ Font Awesome icons to enhance visual appeal. Fonts like Manrope and Open Sans from Google Fonts are used to ensure readability. GS-tron offers a clean, professional design that’s easy to customize and ready to deploy.




GS-tron provides a robust foundation for launching an NFT and Crypto marketplace with its user-friendly and SEO-friendly Reactjs template. Tailored for the digital trade of NFTs, digital art, and crypto collectibles, GS-tron boasts a suite of customizable features. Users will find 11 distinct home page designs and a wealth of over 34 inner pages, all crafted with attention to detail and design utility. This template adheres to W3 web standards, ensuring quality and compliance, and is ready for immediate use upon download. The absence of jQuery reflects GS-tron commitment to modern, efficient web development practices, using React Functional Components and Hooks instead. Its mobile-first design guarantees that your marketplace is accessible and visually appealing on desktops, tablets, and phones alike. GS-tron’s layout adapts fluidly across devices, thanks to its responsive design principles. Personalization is a breeze with CSS variables, allowing for quick adjustments to colors and fonts to match your brand’s style. The template’s codebase is clean and well-organized, making customization and maintenance straightforward for developers at any skill level. GS-tron’s professional design is complemented by smooth transition effects, enhancing user experience. For content creation, GS-tron offers well-designed blog pages, supporting single blog entries and templates for news articles. This feature is vital for engaging with your audience and keeping them informed. The integration of Font Awesome icons provides a rich library of visuals to enhance interface design. Google Fonts are incorporated to ensure that your website’s typography is modern and legible, contributing to a superior user experience. The template has been tested across multiple browsers for compatibility, ensuring that your marketplace’s reach is not hindered by technical limitations. In summary, GS-tron stands out with its modern technology stack, inclusive of Bootstrap 5, Reactjs components, and a no jQuery approach. This, coupled with its responsive layout, professional design, and easy customization, makes GS-tron an excellent choice for anyone looking to dive into the digital marketplace arena. It comes well-documented and supported by a professional team, ensuring that you have all the guidance you need for a successful marketplace launch.



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"CarbonClever" is an innovative client-server software developed by for monitoring air quality and analyzing CO2 emissions across various city locations. The software provides real-time data and leverages machine learning for accurate predictions. With its intuitive interface and top-tier security measures, "CarbonClever" stands as a testament to's dedication to creating digital solutions that promote environmental protection. If you have a project that requires specialized knowledge and cutting-edge technology, is ready to help. Our team can turn your innovative ideas into user-friendly digital solutions.

Box2D Javascript

Bring your mobile platforms and business systems to life with our custom JavaScript port of the Box2D physics engine. Experience smooth and realistic physics in your 2D games, with objects that move and interact just like they would in the real world. Our engine supports everything from simple bouncing balls to complex mechanics like ragdoll physics. It's optimized for performance on mobile devices, ensuring fast, responsive gameplay. Design intricate puzzles or robust business simulations with ease. Our port makes it simpler to incorporate physics into your web-based projects. Collision detection is precise, enabling natural interactions within your digital environment. Customize the physical properties of objects to match your creative vision. This engine is the perfect tool for developers looking to add an extra dimension of realism to their games or business applications. Get ready to create more engaging and interactive experiences with our versatile JavaScript physics engine.


"AquaPure" is an eCommerce platform and a pair of mobile apps developed by Commissioned by a client seeking a solution for selling water filters, our team expertly crafted an online store on WordPress and two user-friendly apps on Flutter. "AquaPure" provides a seamless shopping experience for users, with a focus on security, transparency, and convenience. The platform and apps have been completed successfully, embodying's commitment to transforming ideas into practical and engaging digital solutions. If you have a digital project in mind, the team at is ready to assist and bring your vision to life.